Before and after. |
The magic of makeup. This picture has been going viral among some dark circles of the Internet, and I love it so much that I just had to post it.
There is some discussion about whether the composite picture above is faked or even the same girl in both shots. If you look for this photo on Google, you won't find the answer to that. Nobody seems to be stepping boldly forward to claim credit for this. You probably have a strong opinion about it and are absolutely certain you are correct.
I believe it is the same girl, and it is not faked. That is her, from start to finish. Of course, she used a great deal more than some foundation from Estee Lauder to accomplish the transformation in the photos. If my hunch is correct, that is the famous Jenna Marbles from Youtube, who became famous by posting a video that has gotten like a gazillion hits and made her almost as famous with some folks as that other Youtube sensation, Justin Bieber.
If her abilities astound you, perhaps you will feel better by knowing that she doesn't always pull it off quite this well. But she's good. Very good. The trick with this kind of thing is to make the "before" picture as absolutely awful as you possibly can. Which, as you see above, she achieved, in spades.
This, incidentally, is how you get famous these days. For real. Go from dancing for day rates in clubs and at private parties to a media mogul in one video. She did it. All of her videos - and she has a
lot of videos out - get literally millions of views. That's a success, baby. Texas tea. Video gold.
Below is the famous Jenna Marbles "How to Trick People Into Thinking You're Good Looking" video. You be the judge. It's one of the funniest videos you'll ever see. Beware, some raw language in this one.
Here's a bonus video along the same vein by the amazing Jenna Marbles: