
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Gorn Day!

Happy Gorn Day!

Gorn with device Star Trek
My, what big eyes you have!
I know I am speaking to a select crew here, but you know who you are. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, or New Year's, or Passover, or anything like that.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

But everyone can celebrate Gorn Day!

Gorn Star Trek TOS
"And for my next number...."
For those unfamiliar with Gorn Day, it is the annual celebration of the single best villain in science fiction history.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

Yes, that includes you-know-who and how-can-a-Gorn-possibly-top-that-one.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

It even includes you-can't-possibly-be-serious-he's-much-better-as-a-villain. None of those guys stand a chance against the Gorn.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

The Gorn made his first epic appearance in "The Arena," the classic "Star Trek" episode in which Captain Kirk blew the lumbering, sardonic reptilian alien straight back to his mother ship.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

As seen in "The Arena" (kindly disregard all inferior later depictions except that in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"), a Gorn is strong, brutal, merciful and quick.

Gorn Sar Trek
"Kirk, hisssss, here's your Gorn Day present, hissss, hehehehe."
He also is slow as molasses and about as agile as a rock. Thankfully, he posed with a said rock just for us.

Gorn Kirk William Shatner Star Trek TOS
"I love you, too. May I suggest some Scope? Ow!"
Each Gorn day is to be celebrated with gifts, one-legged races, bear-hugging, boulder-throwing, mortar fire, and general frivolity.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

Wearing of a toga is strictly optional unless you are a Metron. In that case, it is mandatory.

Gorn Kirk William Shatner Star Trek TOS
"Kirk... hisssss.... Where'd you go.... hissss.... Oh."
When participating, kindly pick up your very own Gorn Costume from your local Star Fleet shop.

Gorn Star Trek TOS
"I hate days like this."
Many consider "Arena" the best Star Trek episode ever made.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

Why not? It displays Jim Kirk at his finest.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

Kirk uses martial arts tricks that definitely haven't been invented yet.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

In fact, it will be amazing if they're invented by the 23rd Century, too.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

But whatever methods that he uses, Captain Kirk always finds a way.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

Even if at times Kirk is vulnerable, he never gives up.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

And if his boulders don't even make the Gorn slow down, well, there's always a bigger boulder.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

So yes, "Arena" by far is the best Star Trek episode ever made, in any series, in any Galaxy.

Gorn Star Trek TOS

Happy Gorn Day!


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