
Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Big 'ol Pile 'o Snow

My Big Pile Of Snow

I will be looking back at these photos fondly in July!

These are pictures from a blizzard that hit my area of Colorado on February 20, 2013. Everybody has their own pictures and memories, undoubtedly more interesting and dramatic than mine. However, these pictures make me chuckle, and as my header above says, I post things that make me chuckle in hopes they have the same effect on you.

These are a few pictures of my major shoveling operation in the aftermath of the storm. Colorado needs the water yak yak yak, I know, I'm not saying I hate snow and I'm not complaining. I am fine with snow. Really. I love snow. I love water. I love Colorado. I LOVE JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING IN COLORADO. I'm just showing you pictures of my snow pile without trying to imply any kind of snarky comments about anything.

Watch, it will be over 50 Degrees by sometime next week (postscript - It actually took until the first few days of March for it to hit 50 Degrees, so about ten days).

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

Blizzard February 20-21 2013

And we had another snowstorm on February 27, 2013:

Thanks for visiting!


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