
Monday, December 17, 2012

Running of the Bulls - the Reality

The Famous Running of of the Bulls in Spain

The Pamplona Running of the Bulls is a part of the San Fermin Festival, which runs in Pamplona from July 6 to July 14 in 2013 and every year.

It is a major event that attracts worldwide attention to a town that otherwise is completely unknown. Ernest Hemingway, the ultimate man's man writer, popularized the event and brought it to the world's attention.

The locals know all about this. They aren't dummies.

Running of the Bulls with the cameras rolling and the tourists all around...

Pamplona running bulls
"Ay caramba, you bulls don't scare me!"

Running of the bull every other time of year....

Running of the bulls, the reality
"Help, help, there's a bull!"

Ah, it's a lot different when the television cameras are on once a year, isn't it?

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